Monthly Archives: February 2014

Haven for music collectors sustains quietly in District Heights

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Soda drinkers revel about Coca-Cola’s original recipe that emphasized sugar as the prominent sweetener. Today the drinks are made with high-fructose corn syrup and other additives to minimize costs much to the dismay of longtime consumers who prefer the previous formula.

Memory Lane on Walters Lane record store manager Marshall Parson compared classic Coca-Cola aficionados to longtime vinyl record collectors saying that those who grew up listening to music on vinyls choose it over the digital sound of current music.

Parson and store owner Michael Earle serve passionate music lovers as one of the rare vinyl record stores in Prince George’s County.

Memory Lane provides a music shopping experience that cannot be found in larger retailers like Target or Walmart. Michael and maintain a detailed awareness of the 6000-vinyl catalog present in the store as well as vast knowledge of musical history derived from their passions and experiences. Read the rest of this entry